Monday, March 8, 2010

so much room for improvement

It blows my mind how things are right now. Society has us at a constant hustle. If you're not hustlin', you're missing out. If you're not hustlin', you're falling behind. In our times right now compared to the times that came before us, we are pushed to hustle so hard to receive what seems like the bare minimum or barely enough to get us by. Sure, a lot of us like to live lavish lifestyles because we are affected by everything around us, plus rappers, everyone and their mommas have been telling us from the get-go to get our bills up. Who can blame em? Money is completely necessary right now. Since I got outta high school, I've experienced some real life stuff. Times where ends don't meet and times where it seems you give 110% only to receive back 5% looking back at your paycheck like, "I swear I put in more hours than that." Having to pay for bills, having to walk or find a ride to work because the whip is turning into a piece of crap. I'm not saying that there aren't a billion and one more people who feel my pain or feeling stomach pains and are far worse than the bs that I speak of right now. For that, I apologize. In that time, I've learned that you either complain and do it, or you just man up and do it. Not only do you do it, but you exceed all expectations. Stand out. Get your name out there. Get your connections up. Which leads me to believe that even though we have such a list of different criteria to accomplish, I'm hoping that many of us are either ready or finally realizing the task at hand. It's great for us to be knowledgeable about the obstacles that we might encounter in life, and the great thing about it is at least most of us (at least those who I feel are going to be reading this) have our whole lives ahead of us. I, myself, am just very soon getting out of my "teen" years. Our elders go nuts for young people like us who know what they're talking about. The best way to swag up on relatives, bosses, job interviews, older peers is to talk about the real shit we go through. Not your mischievous high school and college stories, but life experiences that they might relate to, and swagging up to show that you thoroughly handled it and then some is impressive enough. Imagine what a whole decade of experience can add on to your experience points and all the crazy stuff we would blog about ten years from now (not knowing if I'm gonna be blogging, but I wouldn't doubt it. Whatever your craft may be, whether your the future life savers of the world, musicians, rappers, actors, video game designers, tv personalities, whatever it might be, make sure you are on the right track and make your mistakes now. Do-overs are rarely given out in the game of life. If this 2012 thing is no joke, I'd rather not be a broke, Nex sales clerk. I'm the type who's making sure we don't gotta go to Mcdonalds girl. Haha

Keep your eyes on the prize and your dreams in the clouds.

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