Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Some crazy ass futuristic idea that i felt like i needed to write down.

The homies and I were kickin it and my friend Daniel brought up something about some shit called the iPad that apple was coming out with. The basics is that pretty much its a touchscreen tablet computer thats works like a Macbook and iTouch had Apple babies. Immediately i fast forward in my head to the year 2020 when all the computers are pretty much the size of portable hard drives that you plug into huge ass LED TVs. Imagine you can control the computer with the iPad like a mouse and use that same thing as the keyboard. Using that for whatever comes to mind, of course me being the way that i am, i thought of hooking that up to large studios, having large libraries of music and instrumentals and vocals in your hands.. probably the size of a small book more or less. Its crazy to think about how its gonna be in the year 2020, if your one of those people like myself that think that absolutely nothing is happening in 2012. Technology is booming. People do all sorts of research on everything you mind can imagine. Think about how much technology has grown from 2000 to 2010. Then think about 2020. You- hoppin' in your hovercraft ferrari whip on 24s bumpin who knows what will be tight in music then. Probably some techno hip hop vocoder bullshit. Lets hope not.

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